I gotta be with you
Let me know, the things you wanna see in fall timeLet me know, the things you wanna see in winter timeWhen the leaves fall, When the snow is falling downI wanna be with you
I gotta be with you
So baby talk to me, baby smile for meWe chill out and time goes by slowlyWe just joke around and talk about the stupidest thingsAnd when we get enough of it, we look for another placeYou know I would go anywhere, just to be by your sideLet's go out and take a drive under the beautiful skyWe've been to a lot of places, but we still we have to goYou know there's gotta be so much moreSomeday we start a family and have a babyYou know we gotta take him to the place that we used to hang aroundThe place where we met and the place we belongThe place where we made our promise to love forever
作者有话要说: 不知楼外的地面是否有了什么活动,又或者是为一个小时后的倒计时预热,各处灯光开始一闪一闪起来,陶浩然在岑兮耳边道:“老师你看,很漂亮。”
=== 华丽的分割线 ===